Modern OOH: how progressive adtech will transform your business

Modern OOH: how progressive adtech will transform your business   Jonas Glad CEO DoohClick (Credit: Tractor Ourdoor) Just some of the barriers to growth identified at WOO’s online Africa forum (held in February 2022) were a lack of standard formats, audience measurement and proof of play. And in what is a highly fragmented marketplace, contributors […]

What are the 3 most common misconceptions about Programmatic DOOH?

What are the 3 most common misconceptions about Programmatic DOOH? Jonas Glad CEO DoohClick (Credit: Tractor Outdoor) Let’s be honest. Programmatic outdoor is just another way of selling out of home inventory. And the extent to which media owners are set up to trade their assets programmatically varies wildly depending on which country or continent […]

DOOH: The Forecast Is Bright

DOOH: The Forecast Is Bright Jonas Glad CEO DoohClick Credit: Ocean Outdoor The Gods weren’t smiling on the British Isles this month where the heavens opened as the nation crowned its new King and Queen. A gift for those swift footed OOH advertisers not running either a Royal motif or commemorative creative. When better to […]