How the wild wild West was won

How the wild wild West was won Brad Aigner Managing Director FGI Research Africa (Credit: Provantage Media Group, Outdoor Network) Many years ago, when many of the readers of this story were just a twinkle in the pool man’s eye, I used to marvel at the size of the Out of Home sales representatives who […] Learning about adland, and where marketers are at Learning about adland, and where marketers are at Herman Manson Editor & Publisher and (Credit: JC Decaux Africa) Making a mark “Mark” as a name has obvious links to marketing: making your mark, brand marks, trademarks etc. It also puts a human name as the focus for our brand identity, a reminder […]

The Road to Digital Excellence in SA is Paved with Insights, Data and Creativity

The Road to Digital Excellence in SA is Paved with Insights, Data and Creativity Razia Pillay CEO IAB South Africa (Credit: Owakhe Media, courtesy of Outdoor Auditors) The last few years have been anything but predictable. How and where we work, the types of advertising that prevail, technological innovations and managing the complexities of state […]

We’ve come soo far

We’ve come soo far Trish Guilford General Manager OMC They say that the best way to experience life is to travel and this year I have realised that the best way to gain the most knowledge about OOH is also to travel. Sitting in my motel room in Eugene Oregon, USA whilst I write this […]

OHMSA Membership: Illuminating Pathways in the Out of Home Landscape

OHMSA Membership: Illuminating Pathways in the Out of Home Landscape Angelo Tandy Chairman OHMSA (Credit: Relativ Media) In the realm of Out of Home media ownership, the Out of Home Media Association of South Africa (OHMSA) has established itself as a cornerstone of advantages within this ever-evolving industry network. OHMSA membership offers a comprehensive array […]

How the World Out of Home Organization can help drive the growth of OOH in Africa

How the World Out of Home Organization can help drive the growth of OOH in Africa Richard Saturley Chief Marketing Officer World Out of Home Organization (Credit: Tractor Outdoor) WOO Africa Forum scheduled for Cape Town from March 11-13 2024  The World Out of Home Organization is the global body for OOH media which brings all […]